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Am a passionate 69 year old. I'm looking for a adventurous woman who likes drinking, party-ing, late nights, willing to try new things, likes nature, kind and good person, respectful and willing to help. Girls wanted sex. Im a 47 year old easy going single mother with an open mind who has a kinky side.

No pain!! My husband wouldn't mind watching me having fun and possibly like to join. Help me find out. Friend hairy tits.

Also a girl who doesn't mined a guy with scars. I'm layed back drama free and prefer it that way. Don't do drugs or smoke, keep fit with swimming, gym and riding, not a rude alpha male type (watch out for them), have good stamina, can take things slow if need be, love going down on a girl, any more questions, let me know! Sexy sport club. That was for YOU!

I am a sub crossdresser very open. Looking for adventure, play and fun.
I am very upfront about EVERYTHING, so I expect the same. Must be in a 20 mile Radius of where i live..Looking for someone who is around average build.

I?m an outdoors type of person who loves going on long walks and stopping to smell the roses. I like golf , football , hockey, baseball, and video games.

Looking to find friends that I can establish a good rapport with, which can hopefully lead to a more fulfilling and long term arrangement. Kind of corny, I know, but holding hands is a big deal to me. Very open minded, fun, and wild. Most people I know say I'm easy going.

Very new to the site and the online thing in general. Not expecting much.