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Jus wana get to know each other and just see where things go. I'm willing to travel and accommodate. He is 6'1 good lookijg and hung, she is subby, shy, and insatiable we are bith looking Fresno, California for something extraordinary so drop a line, open to separate play for the right individuals. Saxy fucking picthers.

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I am an athletic, funny and good looking (so I'm told) guy looking for new experiences with a couple that you would expect at the hot tub late at night, lol.

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You can check his profile out at drfeelgood001. Once you've done that, the secret will be unveiled.

I am also married and would like this to be discreet Fresno, California as I have 2 s.(FOR NOW I LOVE TO WATCH AND CHAT WITH HOT MENS SHOWING OFF). I love a man that loves the power of being a man and likes a submissive woman. Amarillo women who want to roleplay. We just can't see what you say.

We are a older couple but all are welcome. I'm not bisexual or bicurious, and not looking to be the 3rd wheel. I have to do this for myself, come along and help me, don't be shy, afterall we SHOULD be like minded adults, yes,?
I am open to having fun.

Please note I do no have couples checked off. I have made a huge difference to local communities in many ways.I want someone who is also comfortable with that. Show wet pussies of girls in Bentonville who want to fuck need to interest.

Do please let me know, as I'm a shy one. While we are here for great sex we are also hoping to make great friends. I am searching for a FWB and I'm open to what life may or will bring my way.
So, I hope that you will read my information here and then I will be waiting for your special letter. No doubt about it she has the beauty and the brains to match it. Read fat woman fuck freind at the lake naked.

I also like to have fun keeping things light-hearted. A fun woman or couple.

We all know why we are on here ;). I can join in or simply guide.

There are plenty of other people that will entertain the idea of being "the other woman"; I will not.. WE CANNOTalways chat on IM unless you have upgraded access but happy to chat on "Livestream" if able. Someone who takes care of themselves, it not afraid to be honest, and has an open mind. If we talk or meet you will find i am very straight forward and i like to make people smile because if I can make someone smile for a second or two that's a second or two they are not worrying about there problems.

Just here for fun and chill vibes. I hold everything as magical and unique.

Very new to the site and the online thing in general. Not expecting much.